This is a Yamaha P2 series Console Piano. These pianos were made in Japan this is a 1977 model. This is the perfect size for any room, city apartment or large/small home. This has been in our home for over …
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Tag Archives: fall’79
Grateful Dead Road Trips Vol. 1 No. 1 Bonus Disc CD Fall’79 NY MD 1979 Jam 1-CD

Grateful Dead : Road Trips Vol. 1 – Fall’79 – Bonus Disc! 1979 Fall Tour in’ Both!! : 1-CD : 2007 (1979/2007) Grateful Dead Productions, Inc. / Rhino (GDP / Rhino) – GRA2-6001 : Very-Rare! 1979 Fall Tour Grateful Dead in’ both’ Maryland! From >>> Nassau Coliseum (10/31/79) – Capital Center (11/8/79) & Buffalo Memorial Auditorium (11/9/79)!!!!!! The Inaugural Very 1st! Road Trips ” Bonus Disc CD ” Vol. 1 release from the Amazing! Grateful Dead ” Road Trips ” Series!!! Road Trippin’ on the East Coast – Mid-Atlantic – on Fall Tour’79!!!!! Road Trips Volume 1 / Number 1… The’ Very 1st’ Inaugural Bonus Disc CD release from this Fantastic! Series – the one that kicked-off the frenzy, and all of our fellow ” Road Trips ” addictions. Folks, this one is simply a blistering-hot Fall Tour’79 Grateful Dead treasure! 1979 Grateful Dead is a beautiful time in the Band’s development, and this is coming from someone with a fine-tuned & adoring “’80’s Dead ” ear. This is the next-step in the evolution from the Pigpen, T. And Keith & Donna Eras. It’s Brent time now, and he is a Very-Big-Man! In a small package. This guy can bring the Heat! When I’ve gotten into drag down anti-Brent conversations over the last 25 years, here’s what I always would say : Brent Mydland has more talent & raw soul in his little pinky finger than most musicians could every even dream of – period. And’ Thanks’ specifically to Bob Weir (& Jerry Garcia), Brent very willingly joined their & our! Twelve straight years of Brilliant! Live and Studio Music for the rabid Dead Fans. Brent played his Very-1st Show with the Band in San Jose, CA on 4/22/79 and the best part of this Rare ” Bonus Disc ” release is that two key things happen… Brent & the rest of the Band have begun to work out the kinks of the 1st six-months (hence, the’ adjustment period’), and this release captures them at Three different high-energy East Coast venues in October & November’79 on Fall Tour – which was really the first stage of them letting loose together, and taking daring chances as a true unit. Clearly the Fans (and the Boys) were able to reap the rewards of this synergy that was becoming very fine-tuned – with a very bright future ahead. And secondly, Jerry Garcia begins to enter into three fine key stages of appreciation (or – musical love affairs, if I may) of Brent and his vocal and musical contributions on stage, his brand new Doug Irwin Axe Tiger! , and his highly-audible & increased passion for his MXR script-logo! To put it frankly, Jerry’s increased aggressive picking attack & nastier / moodier tone begin to have more guts! With the increased use of distortion, and with the swiftest of authority & command. This’79 Fall Tour is just downright Smokin’ Hot! And this initial Road Trips ” Bonus Disc ” effort remains very true-to-form in the fact that it pulls smoking-segments & many Moments of Magic! From both Maryland & New York >>> 10/31/1979 (Nassau Coliseum NY) – 11/8/1979 Cap Center MD! & 11/9/1979 Buffalo Memorial Aud. Unlike some of the later releases in this Series full-Shows + addl. Segments from other Shows , this one is a True! ” Road Trip ” and it takes you on a portion of the exact one the Band took 40-years ago! – thus sharing a nice chunk of the true-goodies, in order as they authentically happened live on stage. I’ve talked to people that feel this 1st’ Inaugural’ Road Trips Vol. 1 Bonus Disc CD release was actually the very best of all, and that it continued to stand above all others throughout the rest of the series. I personally enjoy plenty of them, and it would be hard to pick favorites – but I can certainly understand this valid argument – and, especially if you love your’80’s G. As this is indeed the mouth & the gateway of that Magical! This Bonus Disc release is just a plain and simple Heater! Also, like many of these releases – many of the main gems & jams but not all – i. Do happen on the’ Bonus Disc’ portion. I think I’m going to take the initiative at this time to label this one an Absolute… ” Must-Have for Deadheads “, and it’s a complete no-brainer for all of the Early-80’s Enthusiasts! Who can just never get enough of this stuff… 79 release – Amazing!!! Fall’79 in New York!!! & in the Good Ol’ MD!!!!! TRACK LISTING >>> Grateful Dead’ Live’ from the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY (10/31/1979) – Capital Centre in Landover, MD (11/8/1979) – and Memorial Auditorium in Buffalo, NY (11/9/1979) : Grateful Dead Road Trips Vol 1 No. 1 ” Bonus Disc CD ” (1-CD) : China Cat Sunflower > : Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (10/31/1979) I Know You Rider : Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (10/31/1979) Lost Sailor > : Capital Centre, Landover, MD (11/8/1979) Saint Of Circumstance > : Capital Centre, Landover, MD (11/8/1979) Jam : Capital Centre, Landover, MD (11/8/1979) Althea : Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (10/31/1979) Estimated Prophet > : Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, NY (11/9/1979) He’s Gone > : Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, NY (11/9/1979) Jam : Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, NY (11/9/1979). Item Condition : This Very-Rare! Out of Print (2007 GDP / Rhino release) Grateful Dead Road Trips Vol. 1 (Fall’79) Bonus Disc CD (1-CD) is in Very Good condition. CD (1-CD) is in Very Good condition, with light scratches/marks on the playing surface (please see photos). CD Case (1-CD Single Sleeve) is in Very Good condition – close to Like New (Near Mint/Mint), with very light edge/surface wear (please see photos). Please see all photos provided. Photos included are of the actual item you will receive. The Grateful Dead’ Live’ on a true-to-form East Coast! On the 1979 Fall Tour!!! – in both Maryland! – some early Red-Hot’ Brent!

Grateful Dead Road Trips Vol. 1 No. 1 Fall’79 1979 CT PA MD NY MI Live GD 2 CD

Grateful Dead : Road Trips Vol. 1 – Fall’79!!! Road Trips Series release! 2 CD : 2007 (1979/2007) Grateful Dead Productions, Inc. / Rhino (GDP / Rhino) : G. Grateful Dead’ Road Trips’ Series release!! 1979 Fall Tour Grateful Dead!!! From >>> New Haven, CT 10/25/79 – Philly Spectrum, PA 11/6/79 – Capital Center, MD 11/8/79 – Buffalo, NY 11/9/79 & Ann Arbor, MI 11/10/79!!!! ” Road Trips Volume 1 / Number 1 “… Release from this Fantastic Series!! – the one that kicked-off the frenzy, and all of our fellow ” Road Trips ” addictions. Folks, this one is simply a Blockbuster! 1979 Grateful Dead is a Beautiful-Time! In the Band’s development, and this is coming from someone with a fine-tuned & adoring “’80’s Dead ” ear. This is the next-step in the’ Evolution’ from the Pigpen, T. And Keith & Donna eras. It’s Brent Time! Now, and this is a Very-Big Man! In a small package. This Guy can bring the Heat! When I’ve gotten into drag down anti-Brent conversations over the last 30 years, here’s what I would always say : Brent Mydland has more Talent & Raw Soul in his little-pinky-finger than most Musicians could-every-dream -of – period. And’ Thanks’ specifically to Bob Weir (& Jerry Garcia) – Brent very-willingly joined their & our! Twelve straight years of Brilliant! Live and Studio Music for the rabid Dead Fans. Brent played his 1st Show with the Band in San Jose, CA on 4/22/79 and the best part of this fine release is that two key things happen… Brent & the rest of the band have begun to work out the kinks of the 1st six-months (the adjustment period) – and this release captures them at Six different high-energy East Coast venues in October & November’79 on Fall Tour! – which was really the first-stage of them letting loose together, and taking daring chances as a true unit. Clearly the Fans and the Boys! Were able to reap the rewards of this synergy that was becoming very fine-tuned – with a very-bright future ahead. And secondly, Jerry Garcia begins to enter into three fine key stages of appreciation love affairs, if I may… Of Brent and his vocal and musical contributions on stage, his brand new Doug Irwin Axe ” Tiger ” – and his highly-audible & increased passion for his MXR script-logo! To put it frankly, Jerry’s increased aggressive picking attack & nastier / moodier tone begin to have more guts – he’s using more distortion, and with the swiftest of authority & command. This’79 Fall Tour is just Blistering-Hot! – and this initial Road Trips effort remains very true to form in the fact that it pulls smoking-segments & many Moments of Magic! From 10/25 (New Haven, CT) – 11/6 (Philly Spectrum) – 11/8 Cap Center MD! – 11/9 (Buffalo) & 11/10 (Ann Arbor). Unlike some of the later releases in this Series (Full-Shows + add itional segments from other Shows), this one is a True ” Road Trip ” and it takes you on the exact one the Band took 40-Years Ago! – thus sharing a very-nice chunk of the True Live Goodies! In order as they authentically happened Live on Stage. I’ve talked to people that feel this 1st release was actually the Very-Best! Of all, and it continued to stand above all other throughout the rest of the series. I personally enjoy plenty of them, and it would be very-hard to pick favorites – but I can certainly understand this very-valid argument. This is just plainly and simply a 2 -CD Heater!!! I think I’m going to take the initiative at this time to label this one an Absolute! ” Must-Have ” for Deadheads, and it’s a complete no-brainer for all of the Early 80’s -Era G. Who can just never get enough of this stuff. Nothin’s shakin’ on Shakedown Street… Ahhh, but, oh Yes there Is!!! Alabama Getaway > Promised Land Jack Straw > Deal Dancing In The Street > Franklin’s Tower Wharf Rat > I Need A Miracle > Bertha > Good Lovin. Shakedown Street Passenger Terrapin Station > Playing In The Band Not Fade Away > Morning Dew. (2007 GDP / Rhino release) Grateful Dead Road Trips Vol. 1 Fall’79 CD Set (2-CD Set) is in Very Good condition – close to Very Good/Like New overall. CD’s are in Very Good condition – close to Very Good/Like New with light marks/scratches on the playing surface from the internally abrasive factory-issued cardboard CD Cases used for Vol. 1 only – please see photos. Liner Notes (16-Page Insert Booklet) are in Like New Near Mint/Mint! Condition (please see photos). CD Case is in Very Good condition – close to Very Good/Like New with light edge/surface wear (please see photos). Each CD has been played only one-time. This 2-CD Set has been carefully stored covered inside protective plastic in my professional CD rack. Please see all photos provided. Photos included are of the actual item you will receive. Enjoy this Early Brent-Era!